
Reliability and Security of Personnel

aix Inc. (will be referred to as “We/Our/Us” hereafter), the provider and developer of ASO Index (will be referred to as “Service” hereafter), values the data of Us as well as Our clients and customers, takes serious care to protect the data, and ensures that only related and vetted personnel can have access to such resources.

  • All contractors and employees of Us undergo background checks before engaged or employed by Us according to Tokyo Metropolitan Government Law and the best practices in the industry.
  • We ensure to protect the confidentiality and require all employees, agents, contractors, and others who are admitted to have the right to have access to sensitive or internal information to sign Non-Disclosure Agreements(NDAs)

Security of Development

  • All development of new features, services, tools, and major changes in Service will have to pass Our security check which ensures it meets all the requirements and confirms it is incorporated into the proposed development. 
  • Every employee or agent who is involved in service development has the concept of data security and prioritizes the protection of data that is being handled and managed on Our Service.

Security of Information

  • The use of Service requires sensitive statistical data to be stored (Where is it secured?). 
  • While using Service, all data will be transferred between Our client’s computers or mobile devices and Our (Where is it secured?) and is encrypted and secured by (do we have any technology which encrypts and protects information?)

Security of Testing

  •  Do we undergo any security testing? 

Cloud Security

  • What kind of cloud are we using and how does that cloud protect data? 
  • Does our cloud have any official compliance?




Keyword Optimization
Creative Optimization
Review Optimization