Take Your App
to the Top

Maximize your app's impression and organic download by market trend analysis, keyword, creative, and review optimization by AI SaaS.

ASO Index-Powered by GPT-4 - Take your app ranking to #1 with App Store optimization tool | Product Hunt
グループ 1
Christina Giagkou
Christina GiagkouMy Talking Pet
Share Mob
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aix's expertise, communication, commitment, and creativity throughout our partnership provided us with an exceptional experience. They went above and beyond to understand our goals and tailor their approach accordingly
Ela Novac
Ela Novac Slopes
Breakpoint Studio LLC
Download_on_the_App_Store_Badge_US-UK_RGB_blk_4SVG_092917 Read More
Our partnership with aix was essential in making the proper steps and establishing our presence and awareness in Japan. Not only from an ASO perspective, but we appreciate their strategic business advice and go-to-market guidance. It saved us from quite a few mishaps and successfully jump-started our business on the Asian market, the ultimate dream for snow sports.
Suji Lee
Suji LeeHellobot
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aix’s ASO and media-building capabilities made it possible for us to make a meaningful entry into Japan, which was our first leap into the global market. aix is like a team located in Japan, providing us with timely and efficient marketing action items that embrace Japan’s trends.
Harumichi Nozaki
Harumichi NozakiPoint Income
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The collaboration with aix was very impressive. They provided us with a detailed ASO strategy for iOS and Android, which allowed us to maximize our organic user acquisition. Their analysis of the market and competitors provided us with the right keywords and improvements in the creatives for our app.

ASO Status

Know Your ASO
at a Glance

アセット 10@0.5x

Easy to Use

Easily understandable interface makes ASO simple and straightforward

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Grasp the Overall ASO Status

Keyword ranking, competitor analysis, review monitoring can be done in one dashboard

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Step by Step ASO

ASO index is designed to guide ASO step by step, so using the tool is enough to master ASO

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Realtime Analysis

Check the realtime market data to properly understand the trend and to plan marketing strategies

Keyword Optimization

Find Keywords that Increase Rankings

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Check Your Ranked Keywords

Check out the ranked keywords and use them to increase the visibility of your app

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Proper and Prompt Keyword Analysis

Find out how often keywords are used in the search and determine which of them would be the best fit for your app

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Analyze Competitors' Keywords

Compare the keywords of yours and competitors’ and reveal keywords that can be added or discarded

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AI Keyword Suggestions (Powered by GPT)

Get keyword suggestions by AI and be enlightened with relevant and effective keywords

Creative Optimization

Make A/B Test More Effective

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New Inspirations

Check out newest trend in the app stores and get ideas for new creatives for your app

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Store Preview

Get a good look of how your app may be viewed on the actual app stores

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Compare & Contrast Creatives

Lay out your creatives and competitors’ next to next to discover the differences and start more effective A/B tests

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CRO Evaluation

Simple overview to determine what is good and what to improve your current creatives

Review Optimization

Listen to Users and continue to grow your app

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Most Prompt Way to Listen to Users

The breakdown of ratings and the summary of reviews can be grasped at a glance

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Monitor User Reactions

React promptly to users opinions especially after updates, by monitoring their reviews

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Keyword Cloud

Discover keywords that are frequently used in both positive and negative reviews and use them to improve your service

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Rating Simulator

Get a target number of 4 and 5 star ratings required to make your app’s rating above 4.0 or 4.5


ASO-specific Language Analysis Algorithm

ASO index is capable of breaking metadata of yours or competitors’ down to meaningful Korean and Japanese keywords with our own morpheme analysis logic


Big-data and Generative-AI driven ASO Platform

The next generation ASO engine, based on app stores’ metadata, user search pattern, and LLM (Large Language Model)


Market Trend Analysis Chart

Understand app store trend as ASO index analyzes 3 million apps worldwide and 2 million and more keywords everyday


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Ready to Take Off ?


Keyword Optimization
Creative Optimization
Review Optimization